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Don't Buy This Stuff (1)
If you’re travelling abroad soon, you’ll want to buy a load of unnecessary travel items to accompany you on your journey (and later on, the fill the attic).
I’ve found a few interesting holiday-related gizmos on the website - a refined location on the web for all manner of stylish, purchasable objects that you never knew existed – and thought you might want to take a gander before you print your e-tickets and stuff your passport in your bumbag.
I may have been a tad harsh when I said earlier that these items were unnecessary. Some of them are. In fact, plenty of them are. However, the Stowaway iPhone Wallet Case looks like a rather nifty invention for the seasoned traveller. A flap at the back of the phone lifts up to reveal a compartment for storing your most important credit cards, debit cards, library cards, Blockbuster membership cards, whatever. It’s quite a thick case, naturally, so if you’re one of those iPhone users who occasionally looks to the heavens and says ‘Why can’t my iPhone be marginally thinner?’, then this is probably not the case for you.
Should you have travel sleeping or breathing comfortably on the plane, or you just want to make the passenger next to you think they’re flying with a Storm Trooper, why not bring the Breathing Travel Mask onboard with you? Well, there are a number of reasons, really. If it works, great, but if it doesn’t, you’re essentially a strange person with a robot-face who keeps scaring the children.
Parents going abroad with a little one may be in the market for one of these. After all, they’ve decided that going abroad with a baby is a good idea, so they’re probably not the wisest owls. Actually, out of all the travel gadgets, this could be the most practical – a bag for baby things which you can open and let the baby sleep in like a miniature travel cot. Aww.
Perhaps the stupidest thing in my list features one of our most recent comedy classics. A Napoleon Dynamite Sleep Mask. Yes, this is a novelty item that is funny for no longer than twelve seconds but, hey, a mask is a mask and it will earn you geek points. Not sure who with. The Elder Geeks perhaps.
Leaving for now, take a look at what Firebox is offering the campers among you. Ladies and gentlemen, the Camper Van Tent. As camper van tents go, this is pretty snazzy and will break the ice with fellow campers. Either that,or they’ll just stay away from you all week and call you the ‘Weirdo Tent Guy’.
Remember, a build-up of unnecessary travel items may well result in excess baggage, which we can fortunately help with - get a shipping quote online now.
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- Excess Baggage Bother
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